MATE/MATT Renewal Information for 2022


On January 1, 2023, the updated 2022 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards will go into effect. You are required to demonstrate compliance to the 2022 Standards by recertifying on or before December 31, 2022. If recertification is not completed on or before December 31, 2022, your certification will expire.

Currently, there are no available renewals.

To recertify, you must complete two steps for each level of MATT certification that you hold.

Step 1: Training

  1. Go to

  2. Click TRAINING


  4. Click the course that matches your level of certification:

    1. Title 24 2022 MATT Level 1 Recertification, or

    2. Title 24 2022 MATT Level 2 Recertification

  5. Log in using your ITI username and password. No ITI username and password? It’s simple to register – detailed instructions are provided on the log in page

  6. Complete the training course

  7. Repeat #4, #5, and #6 for each level of MATT certification that you hold.

Note: Once you complete the ITI course, it will automatically complete (this process may take up to 24 hours) the MATT Recertification Training requirement in your ICB account. When the requirement is automatically completed, it will change to the color green and COMPLETE will be displayed.

Step 2: Application

  1. Go to

  2. Log in to your ICB account – using your email address to log in

  3. On your Dashboard, locate the certification and click Apply (under Things You can Do)

  4. Enter all required information and submit the application

  5. Repeat #3 and #4 for each level of MATT certification that you hold

MATE Renewal Information for 2022


On January 1, 2023, the updated 2022 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards will go into effect. You are required to demonstrate compliance to the 2022 Standards by recertifying on or before December 31, 2022. If recertification is not completed on or before December 31, 2022, your certification will expire.

Currently, there are no available renewals.

To recertify, you must complete both steps below.

Step 1: Training

  1. Click

  2. Log in or create new account.

  3. Enter enrollment code 7ffufk; click to Enroll.

  4. Click MATE Material Agreement 2019/2022; review and sign the agreement.

  5. Click Module 1 - T24 2019 2022; complete the training module.

  6. Click T24 Quiz Module 1; complete the quiz.

  7. Repeat #5, and #6 to complete Module 2, Module 3, and Module 4.

  8. Upload your certificate of completion to your ICB Application (see Step 2 below).

Step 2: Application

  1. Click

  2. Log in to your ICB account – using your email address to log in.

  3. On your Dashboard, locate the certification and click Apply (under Things You can Do).

  4. Upload your certification of completion from NEMI for the 2019/2022 Mechanical Acceptance Testing Employers (MATE) course.

  5. Enter all required information and submit the application.